Thursday, April 2, 2015

Yoxxie Introduces Flight and Hotel Travel Features

At Yoxxie, we work hard to deliver event organizers product features that allow them to provide attendees more information to make their event experience better. With the release of Flight and Hotel features, we are excited to announce that every Yoxxie event app can be loaded with attendee Flight and Hotel information.

Flight and Hotel information can be loaded in bulk via the Yoxxie CMS. All we require is a simple format for Flight and Hotel data to be loaded into Yoxxie. Updates are just as simple. We realize there are many changes up until and during your events. Just load the updates and the system is up to date.

Yoxxie travel navigation event app screenshot.Yoxxie flight event app screenshotYoxxie hotel event app screenshot

Flight and Hotel features come as standard selections when you are setting up your Yoxxie event app. We track attendee engagement with all features including the new Flight and Hotel features in the Yoxxie CMS dashboards.

To see Flight and Hotel in action, give us a shout. We are always happy to show you a demo.

Yoxxie Introduces Flight and Hotel Travel Features

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