Turn engagement into leads with the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement platform. Contact us and get a demo scheduled today.
Turn engagement into leads with Yoxxie
General software engineering and related programming techniques and information.
Turn engagement into leads with the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement platform. Contact us and get a demo scheduled today.
One of the primary reasons that people attend events is to make connections. The Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform makes connecting easy through its QR Code Badge and Lead Generation abilities.
Every user whether sponsor, speaker, attendee, exhibitor, or planner gets a unique QR Code based badge in the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform. Whenever you let someone scan your badge or you scan someone else’s badge, both of you form a connection in which you can view contact information which the other has chosen to share. This is typically a combination of phone number, email address, and Twitter.
In the modern computing age of the Cloud and almost daily cyber security breaches of major online retailers, security and authentication are important concerns of application users. This is why the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform has taken numerous steps to secure the information of its users, and ensure that only authorized parties can access even the most basic information about another user.
The Yoxxie Content Management System allows you to specify special codes for attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors to sign themselves up through the mobile application. This allows you to ensure that not just anyone can register for your event. If your attendee registration code is superevent123 then all your attendees have to do is download the mobile application, press the “Registration” button, and fill out their information using the registration code. The Yoxxie Content Management System even provides you with the email to broadcast to your attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors.
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Yoxxie accounts for the various mobile applications and the Content Management System are protected by email address and password. A single Yoxxie account will allow you to register for any event for which you have the registration code, and to login to any event for which you are registered.
The Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform uses a QR Code badge system to allow users to connect. Whenever you let someone scan your badge or you scan someone else’s badge, both of you form a connection in which you can view contact information which the other has chosen to share. This is typically a combination of phone number and email address.
No financial information of any kind is stored. All financial transactions are delegated to trusted third party providers over encrypted channels such as PayPal and Stripe. Communications between the Content Management System and the Platform, as well as the various mobile applications and the Platform are also encrypted.
Yoxxie allows your attendees to customize their own event schedules. Contact us and get a demo scheduled today.
Part of running an event is not only promoting it, but also promoting the different players at your event. Speakers, Sponsors, and Exhibitors are going to be the key players at most events. This is because your attendees are coming to see your Speakers and Exhibitors, and your Sponsors are paying good money in order to get noticed, make connections, and get a good ROI. The Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform provides numerous mediums in which you can further promote your Speakers, Exhibitors, and Sponsors.
Speakers are individuals or companies that are driving sessions. They are the presenters providing their subject matter expertise for your attendees at your event’s various sessions. The Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform allows you to feature all of your speakers by listing them, listing the sessions they are speaking at, allowing them to attach digital materials to their speaking engagements, and also by providing biographical information.
Exhibitors are individual or companies that have a booth on the event floor for featuring goods and services. Through the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform, your can give your Exhibitors a way to reach their audience through their mobile devices. Exhibitors receive their own listing within the event mobile application, and also provide the Exhibitor with a page where they can add all the information they want about themselves and what they are offering. Exhibitors can connect with Attendees both inside the mobile application and outside of the mobile application using social media offerings such as Twitter.
Sponsors are the companies that are paying for promotion through your event. Through the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform you can additionally feature your Sponsors within the mobile application. You can tier the Sponsors you want to list by Gold, Silver, and Bronze, and then provide each featured Sponsor with a page of their own within the mobile application. The Sponsor details provide company information, product offerings, methods of contact, and even a map of the Sponsor’s location.
The Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform provides multiple ways of integrating with Twitter for an event, and for your attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors.
The Chatter feature within the mobile application allows you to associate your event’s mobile application with an existing Twitter account feed. The Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform will work with Twitter in real-time to provide up-to-date feed information, and uses advanced data caching techniques to prevent your account from exceeding Twitter API usage limits. The result is that your event’s attendees get up-to-date Twitter information in a timely manner.
The Yoxxie mobile application allows attendees, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors to also define their own Twitter settings. By specifying their Twitter handle, they provide another avenue through engagement via Twitter. Every interaction over Twitter further promotes your event in the social media space.
Yoxxie mobile apps uniquely identify people using QR code badges, which can be used to connect and engage with exhibitors, sponsors, and other attendees. Contact us and get a demo scheduled today.
Your company’s and/or event’s brand is something which is very important. It is what visually distinguishes you, and makes your mobile application unique across the millions of other mobile applications.
First start the basics: colors and logo. Your primary color determines the how buttons, panels, links, and shading look. Your primary color is incorporated into every colorable aspect of the mobile application. It is recommended to use a darker primary color so that white colored text is crisp against it as a background, and so that when used as a link color for text that it displays against the much lighter background color.
The logo is used at numerous resolutions as your mobile application’s icon. Through the Yoxxie Content Management System you only have to upload a single large image, which is then resized to meet all of the icon size requires for iOS and Android. No more having to manually resize the same images dozens of times.
Background images, custom maps, fonts, button icons, etc. Everything can be customized to suit your event’s needs. Do as little or as much as you want in order to accomplish your events particular branding goals.
The Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform allows you to feature your event Exhibitors and their offerings. Contact us and get a demo scheduled today.
With all the different technology that is available today it is almost like you only need a team of one to run your event.
Yoxxie allows your event mobile application users to build their own schedules. No more having to spend the money to printout one-fits-all schedules for everyone, or having to force attendees to hack something together using their own calendars. Give your attendees the power to control their own schedules.
Once you invite your attendees to your event hosted on the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform, your attendees can start adding available sessions to their own schedule. Each session can provide as much or as little detail as you want, and can even include allowing attendees to connect with speakers through many different social media platforms.
By allowing attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors to connect inside and outside of the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform, your event lives on beyond its last scheduled session. People can lookup their contacts, download session documents, and pursue other forms of engagement long after the event is over.
The cost for printing materials even for a small event can be very costly. This is why it is preferable to be able to deliver media digitally. The Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform can do just that by allowing the attachment of Word, PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, and images to scheduled activities. These attachments can then be viewed on mobile devices.
Simply upload your documents through the Yoxxie Content Management System. Anyone with the mobile application for your event can instantly view any attached document on their mobile device. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars printing out materials.
Yoxxie can stream your event’s Twitter steam in real-time. Contact us and get a demo scheduled today.
Every year Event Manager Blog publishes an overview of the most significant trends affecting events. Here is your report for 2014.
The Yoxxie Content Management System allows event planners to easily create and manage multiple events using the latest in responsive HTML5 web technologies.
To create a new event we just need the basics: a name, some dates, and how you want to allow people to register. You can fill in other important details later such as selecting colors, icons, integrating with services like Twitter, and the different features you want to use within the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform. The event planner has the power to do everything they need through any web browser. There is no need to involve some other third party to press buttons and upload files for you.
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Getting your new event onto a mobile device as a native application takes minutes. This is because the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform uses the latest in cloud technologies to build, deploy, and host its own private iOS and Android AppStore for testing and/or delivering your mobile apps. When you are ready we can also move your mobile apps onto other mediums such as the Apple AppStore and the various Android stores such as Google Play.
Yoxxie can do photo sharing for all mobile devices at any event. Contact us and get a demo scheduled today.
Signing up people for the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform is now more easy than ever.
A lot of event planners already have lists of attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and others ready to go. Through the Yoxxie Content Management System planners can upload lists of people over the web in order to quickly handle pre-registration in bulk. No need to involve a third party to do it for you, or to wait hours for the changes to occur. You can do it yourself and have the changes instantly applied.
The Yoxxie Content Management System allows you to specify special codes for attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors to sign themselves up through the mobile application. This allows you to ensure that not just anyone can register for your event. If your attendee registration code is superevent123 then all your attendees have to do is download the mobile application, press the “Registration” button, and fill out their information using the registration code. The Yoxxie Content Management System even provides you with the email to broadcast to your attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors.
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The Yoxxie Content Management System allows planners to manually register and maintain accounts. This flexibility gives event planners full control over the registration process.
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Looking for a way to provide your attendees within even more reason to engage with your event through the Yoxxie Mobile Engagement Platform?
Incentivise engagement by rewarding attendees for their actions. Turn Yoxxie platform usage into a game by giving attendees points for actions, and then provide your top attendees with gifts at the end of the event based on point totals. Use this to further promote sponsors, products, and other offerings.
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With better analytics you can get a more clear picture of what drives your attendees. Take more intelligent next steps based on actionable feedback and advanced reporting through the Yoxxie Content Management System. Deeper attendee engagement on a mobile app can also generate more leads for sponsors, leading to better ROI.
Started ChromeDriver (v2.1) on port 15341 Unable to setup test. org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: unable to discover open pages (Driver info: chromedriver=2.1,platform=Windows NT 6.1 SP1 x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) Command duration or timeout: 22.62 seconds Build info: version: '2.33.0', revision: '4e90c97', time: '2013-05-22 15:32:56' System info: os.name: 'Windows Server 2008 R2', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '6.1', java.version: '1.6.0_25' Driver info: org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver
Command: cmd
Command Switch: /cNot Windows
Command: /bin/sh
Command Switch: -cThis matters because this determines how you will call the various sencha and cordova commands, for example:
Windows> cmd /c sencha app refresh
Not Windows> /bin/sh –c sencha app refresh
cordova create HelloWorld com.example.hello "HelloWorld"The adding of the android platform would fail every time for Cordova 3.3.0, 3.2.0, and 3.1.0 with a nodejs.js compile error. I tried this on three different computers (2 Windows machines and a Mac) and got the same result. After losing more time to trying to Google my way out of the issue, I ended up settling on Cordova 3.0.0 since it actually worked in this test, and allowed me to do a native build in sencha.
cd HelloWorld
cordova platform add android
cordova -vIf the result doesn’t contain “3.0.0”, abort.
sencha whichIf the result does not contain “Sencha Cmd v4.0.1”, abort.
adb versionIf the output doesn’t contain “Android Debug Bridge”, abort.
xcodebuild –versionIf the output doesn’t contain “Xcode 5.0”, abort.
sencha cordova removeThe result is the following:
sencha cordova init some.app.id SomeAppNameThe result is the following:
{Why aren’t you going the build thing that involves packager.json?
"configuration":"Release", // NOT USED
"deviceType":"Universal", // NOT USED
"certificatePath":"android-keystore", // NOT USED
"certificateAlias":"android-alias", // NOT USED
"certificatePassword":"Foobar", // NOT USED
"provisionProfile":"", // NOT USED
"notificationConfiguration":"", // NOT USED
"sdkPath":"C:/adt-bundle/sdk", // NOT USED
"androidAPILevel":"18", // NOT USED
"icon": { // NOT USED
"inputPath":"./", // NOT USED
"outputPath":"../build/", // NOT USED
"permissions":[ // Goes into AndroidManfest.xml, but overridden
"orientations": [ // NOT USED
cordova plugin add https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-geolocation.gitYes, GIT is installed and a tried to Google my way out of this one as well.
[RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded]
serviceUrl=http://foo/bar/urlAt Runtime app.js can read in these properties and store them so they are globally accessible. This avoids the need to have to keep this information in code and/or manually modify them for each environment.
cordova platform add androidiOS
cordova platform add iosThe result is that when in the future step that “sencha app build native” is run it will skip the attempt to add the platform.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>iOS: AppName-Info.plist
<manifest android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="0.0.1" android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" package="some.app.id.SomeAppName" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<supports-screens android:anyDensity="true" android:largeScreens="true" android:normalScreens="true" android:resizeable="true" android:smallScreens="true" android:xlargeScreens="true" />
<application android:debuggable="true" android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
<activity android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden|keyboard|screenSize|locale" android:label="@string/app_name" android:name="AppName" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Black.NoTitleBar">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="10" android:targetSdkVersion="18" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Another reasonable approach would be just to store the AndroidManifest.xml and AppName-Info.plist files, copy them into the appropriate locations prior to native building, and just update the version information.
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
FileNotFoundException: www/src/event/publisher/Dom.jsThe reason this is noteworthy is because you can’t directly copy files there, because the Sencha build process will delete them. In order to get WebContent/touch/src into the native www you have to copy it to the .staging directory.
Copy WebContent/touch/src into WebContent/cordova/platforms/android/.staging/www/src
Results in WebContent/cordova/platforms/android/assets/www/srciOS:
Copy WebContent/touch/src into WebContent/cordova/platforms/ios/.staging/www/src
Results in WebContent/cordova/platforms/ios/www/src
sencha app build native
Eclipse Android Project (without a .project and .classpath): WebContent/cordova/platforms/androidIf you want to do native debugging you can use these projects, and you can also generate them without the binaries by stopping after Step 16.
iOS Xcode 5.0 Project: WebContent/cordova/platforms/ios